System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolMethod Interface

Assembly: Mscorlib.dll
Namespace: System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore
Represents a method within a symbol reader.
C# Syntax:
public interface ISymbolMethod
This provides access only to the symbol-related attributes of a method, such as sequence points, lexical scopes, and parameter information. Use the ISymbolMethod interface to read the type-related attributes of a method (such as the System.Reflection classes).
See also:
System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore Namespace See also:
MSDN: emittingsymbolicinformationwithreflectionemit

System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolMethod Member List:

Public Properties
RootScope Read-only

Gets the root lexical scope for the current method. This scope encloses the entire method.
SequencePointCount Read-only

Gets a count of the sequence points in the method.
Token Read-only

Gets the SymbolToken containing the metadata for the current method.
Public Methods
GetNamespace Gets the namespace that the current method is defined within.
GetOffset Gets the Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) offset within the method that corresponds to the specified position.
GetParameters Gets the parameters for the current method.
GetRanges Gets an array of start and end offset pairs that correspond to the ranges of Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) that a given position covers within this method.
GetScope Returns the most enclosing lexical scope when given an offset within a method.
GetSequencePoints Gets the sequence points for the current method.
GetSourceStartEnd Gets the start and end positions for the source of the current method.

System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolMethod Member Details

Property: RootScope (read-only)
Gets the root lexical scope for the current method. This scope encloses the entire method.
C# Syntax:
ISymbolScope RootScope {get;}
See also:
MSDN: emittingsymbolicinformationwithreflectionemit

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Property: SequencePointCount (read-only)
Gets a count of the sequence points in the method.
C# Syntax:
int SequencePointCount {get;}

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Property: Token (read-only)
Gets the SymbolToken containing the metadata for the current method.
C# Syntax:
SymbolToken Token {get;}
See also:

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Method: GetNamespace()
Gets the namespace that the current method is defined within.
C# Syntax:
ISymbolNamespace GetNamespace();
Return Value:
The namespace that the current method is defined within.

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Method: GetOffset(
   ISymbolDocument document,
   int line,
   int column
Gets the Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) offset within the method that corresponds to the specified position.
C# Syntax:
int GetOffset(
   ISymbolDocument document,
   int line,
   int column


The document for which the offset is requested.


The document line corresponding to the offset.


The document column corresponding to the offset.

Return Value:
The offset within the specified document.
The parameters are returned in the order that they are defined within the signature of the method.

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Method: GetParameters()
Gets the parameters for the current method.
C# Syntax:
ISymbolVariable[] GetParameters();
Return Value:
The array of parameters for the current method.
The parameters are returned in the order that they are defined within the signature of the method.

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Method: GetRanges(
   ISymbolDocument document,
   int line,
   int column
Gets an array of start and end offset pairs that correspond to the ranges of Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) that a given position covers within this method.
C# Syntax:
int[] GetRanges(
   ISymbolDocument document,
   int line,
   int column


The document for which the offset is requested.


The document line corresponding to the ranges.


The document column corresponding to the ranges.

Return Value:
An array of start and end offset pairs.
The array is an array of integers in the format {{start1, end1}, {start2, end2}...}. The number of range pairs is the length of the array divided by 2.

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Method: GetScope(
   int offset
Returns the most enclosing lexical scope when given an offset within a method.
C# Syntax:
ISymbolScope GetScope(
   int offset


The byte offset within the method of the lexical scope.

Return Value:
The most enclosing lexical scope for the given byte offset within the method.
You can use the ISymbolMethod.GetScope method to start local variable searches.
See also:
MSDN: emittingsymbolicinformationwithreflectionemit

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Method: GetSequencePoints(
   int[] offsets,
   ISymbolDocument[] documents,
   int[] lines,
   int[] columns,
   int[] endLines,
   int[] endColumns
Gets the sequence points for the current method.
C# Syntax:
void GetSequencePoints(
   int[] offsets,
   ISymbolDocument[] documents,
   int[] lines,
   int[] columns,
   int[] endLines,
   int[] endColumns


The array of byte offsets from the beginning of the method for the sequence points.


The array of documents in which the sequence points are located.


The array of lines in the documents at which the sequence points are located.


The array of columns in the documents at which the sequence points are located.


The array of lines in the documents at which the sequence points end.


The array of columns in the documents at which the sequence points end.

The sequence points are sorted by offset and are for all documents in the method. Use ISymbolMethod.SequencePointCount to retrieve the count of all sequence points and create arrays of the proper size.

ISymbolMethod.GetSequencePoints verifies the size of each array and places the sequence point information into each. If any array is null, the data for that array is not returned.

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Method: GetSourceStartEnd(
   ISymbolDocument[] docs,
   int[] lines,
   int[] columns
Gets the start and end positions for the source of the current method.
C# Syntax:
bool GetSourceStartEnd(
   ISymbolDocument[] docs,
   int[] lines,
   int[] columns


The starting and ending source documents.


The starting and ending lines in the corresponding source documents.


The starting and ending columns in the corresponding source documents.

Return Value:
true if the positions were defined; otherwise, false.
The first array position is the start, and the second is the end.

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