Namespace: System.Reflection

The Reflection namespace contains classes and interfaces that provide a managed view of loaded types, methods, and fields, with the ability to dynamically create and invoke types.

Members of System.Reflection Namespace

Class Description
class AmbiguousMatchException The exception that is thrown when binding to a method results in more than one method matching the binding criteria. 
class Assembly Defines an Assembly, which is a reusable, versionable, and self-describing building block of a common language runtime application. 
class AssemblyAlgorithmIdAttribute Specifies an algorithm to hash all files in an assembly. This class cannot be inherited. 
class AssemblyCompanyAttribute Defines a company name custom attribute for an assembly manifest. 
class AssemblyConfigurationAttribute Defines an assembly configuration custom attribute (such as retail or debug) for an assembly manifest. 
class AssemblyCopyrightAttribute Defines a copyright custom attribute for an assembly manifest. 
class AssemblyCultureAttribute Specifies which culture the assembly supports. 
class AssemblyDefaultAliasAttribute Defines a friendly default alias for an assembly manifest. 
class AssemblyDelaySignAttribute Specifies that the assembly is not fully signed when created. 
class AssemblyDescriptionAttribute Defines an assembly description custom attribute for an assembly manifest. 
class AssemblyFlagsAttribute Specifies whether an assembly supports side-by-side execution on the same machine, in the same process, or in the same application domain. This class cannot be inherited. 
class AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute Defines an assembly informational version custom attribute for an assembly manifest. 
class AssemblyKeyFileAttribute Specifies the name of a file containing the key pair used to generate a shared name. 
class AssemblyName Fully describes an assembly's unique identity. 
class AssemblyNameProxy Provides a remotable version of the . 
class AssemblyProductAttribute Defines a product name custom attribute for an assembly manifest. 
class AssemblyTitleAttribute Defines an assembly title custom attribute for an assembly manifest. 
class AssemblyTrademarkAttribute Defines a trademark custom attribute for an assembly manifest. 
class AssemblyVersionAttribute Specifies the version of the assembly being attributed. 
class Binder Selects a member from a list of candidates, and performs type conversion from actual argument type to formal argument type. 
class ConstructorInfo Discovers the attributes of a class constructor and provides access to constructor metadata. 
class CustomAttributeFormatException The exception that is thrown when the binary format of a custom attribute is invalid. 
class DefaultMemberAttribute Defines the member of a type that is the default member used by Type.InvokeMember. The default member is a name given to a type. 
class EventInfo Discovers the attributes of an event and provides access to event metadata. 
class FieldInfo Discovers the attributes of a field and provides access to field metadata. 
class InvalidFilterCriteriaException The exception that is thrown in Type.FindMembers when the filter criteria is not valid for the type of filter you are using. 
class ManifestResourceInfo Contains manifest resource topology information. 
class MemberInfo Discovers the attributes of a member and provides access to member metadata. 
class MethodBase Provides information about methods and constructors. 
class MethodInfo Discovers the attributes of a method and provides access to method metadata. 
class Missing Represents a missing Object. This class cannot be inherited. 
class Module Performs reflection on a module. 
class ParameterInfo Discovers the attributes of a parameter and provides access to parameter metadata. 
class Pointer Provides a wrapper class for pointers. 
class PropertyInfo Discovers the attributes of a property and provides access to property metadata. 
class ReflectionTypeLoadException The exception that is thrown by the Module.GetTypes method if any of the classes in a module cannot be loaded. This class cannot be inherited. 
class StrongNameKeyPair Encapsulates access to a public or private key pair used to sign strong name assemblies. 
class TargetException Represents the exception that is thrown when an attempt is made to invoke an invalid target. 
class TargetInvocationException The exception that is thrown by methods invoked through reflection. This class cannot be inherited. 
class TargetParameterCountException The exception that is thrown when the number of parameters for an invocation does not match the number expected. This class cannot be inherited. 
class TypeDelegator Wraps a object and delegates all methods to that . 

Interface Description
interface ICustomAttributeProvider Provides custom attributes for reflection objects that support them. 
interface IReflect Allows objects to return MemberInfo objects that represent an object. 

Structure Description
structure InterfaceMapping Retrieves the mapping of an interface into the actual methods on a class that implements that interface. 
structure ParameterModifier Attaches a modifier to parameters so that binding can work with parameter signatures in which the types have been modified. 

Delegate Description
delegate MemberFilter Represents a delegate that is used to filter a list of members represented in an array of MemberInfo objects. 
delegate ModuleResolveEventHandler Represents the method that will handle the Assembly.ModuleResolve event of an Assembly
delegate TypeFilter Filters the classes represented in an array of Type objects. 

Enumeration Description
enumeration AssemblyNameFlags Provides information about an Assembly reference. 
enumeration BindingFlags Specifies flags that control binding and the way in which the search for members and types is conducted by reflection. 
enumeration CallingConventions Defines the valid calling conventions for an enumeration. 
enumeration EventAttributes Specifies the attributes of an event. 
enumeration FieldAttributes Specifies flags that describe the attributes of a field. 
enumeration MemberTypes Marks each type of member that is defined as a derived class of . 
enumeration MethodAttributes Specifies flags for method attributes. These flags are defined in the corhdr.h file. 
enumeration MethodImplAttributes Specifies flags for the attributes of a method implementation. 
enumeration ParameterAttributes Defines the attributes that may be associated with a parameter. These are defined in CorHdr.h.  
enumeration PropertyAttributes Defines the attributes that may be associated with a property. These attribute values are defined in corhdr.h. 
enumeration ResourceAttributes Specifies the attributes for a manifest resource. 
enumeration ResourceLocation Specifies the resource location. 
enumeration TypeAttributes Specifies type attributes.  

Namepace hierarchy

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