System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolScope Interface

Assembly: Mscorlib.dll
Namespace: System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore
Represents a lexical scope within ISymbolMethod, providing access to the start and end offsets of the scope, as well as its child and parent scopes.
C# Syntax:
public interface ISymbolScope
The ISymbolScope interface also provides access to all locals defined within the current scope.
See also:
System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore Namespace

System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolScope Member List:

Public Properties
EndOffset Read-only

Gets the end offset of the current lexical scope.
Method Read-only

Gets the method that contains the current lexical scope.
Parent Read-only

Gets the parent lexical scope of the current scope.
StartOffset Read-only

Gets the start offset of the current lexical scope.
Public Methods
GetChildren Gets the child lexical scopes of the current lexical scope.
GetLocals Gets the local variables within the current lexical scope.
GetNamespaces Gets the namespaces that are used within the current scope.

System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolScope Member Details

Property: EndOffset (read-only)
Gets the end offset of the current lexical scope.
C# Syntax:
int EndOffset {get;}

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Property: Method (read-only)
Gets the method that contains the current lexical scope.
C# Syntax:
ISymbolMethod Method {get;}
Return Value:
The method that contains the current lexical scope.

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Property: Parent (read-only)
Gets the parent lexical scope of the current scope.
C# Syntax:
ISymbolScope Parent {get;}
Return Value:
The parent lexical scope of the current scope.

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Property: StartOffset (read-only)
Gets the start offset of the current lexical scope.
C# Syntax:
int StartOffset {get;}

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Method: GetChildren()
Gets the child lexical scopes of the current lexical scope.
C# Syntax:
ISymbolScope[] GetChildren();
Return Value:
The child lexical scopes that of the current lexical scope.

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Method: GetLocals()
Gets the local variables within the current lexical scope.
C# Syntax:
ISymbolVariable[] GetLocals();
Return Value:
The local variables within the current lexical scope.
The local variables are returned in no particular order. If a local variable changes its address within the current scope, that variable is returned multiple times, each with a different offset range.

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Method: GetNamespaces()
Gets the namespaces that are used within the current scope.
C# Syntax:
ISymbolNamespace[] GetNamespaces();
Return Value:
The namespaces that are used within the current scope.

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