Namespace: System.Security.Permissions

The System.Security.Permissions namespace defines classes that control access to operations and resources based on policy.

Members of System.Security.Permissions Namespace

Class Description
class CodeAccessSecurityAttribute Specifies the base attribute class for code access security. 
class EnvironmentPermission Controls access to system and user environment variables. This class cannot be inherited. 
class EnvironmentPermissionAttribute Allows security actions for EnvironmentPermission to be applied to code using declarative security. This class cannot be inherited. 
class FileDialogPermission Controls the ability to access files or folders through a file dialog. This class cannot be inherited. 
class FileDialogPermissionAttribute Allows security actions for FileDialogPermission to be applied to code using declarative security. This class cannot be inherited. 
class FileIOPermission Controls the ability to access files and folders. This class cannot be inherited. 
class FileIOPermissionAttribute Allows security actions for FileIOPermission to be applied to code using declarative security. This class cannot be inherited. 
class IsolatedStorageFilePermission Specifies the allowed usage of a private virtual file system. This class cannot be inherited. 
class IsolatedStorageFilePermissionAttribute Allows security actions for IsolatedStorageFilePermission to be applied to code using declarative security. This class cannot be inherited. 
class IsolatedStoragePermission Represents access to generic isolated storage capabilities. 
class IsolatedStoragePermissionAttribute Allows security actions for IsolatedStoragePermission to be applied to code using declarative security. 
class PermissionSetAttribute Allows security actions for a PermissionSet to be applied to code using declarative security. This class cannot be inherited. 
class PrincipalPermission Allows checks against the active principal (see IPrincipal) using the language constructs defined for both declarative and imperative security actions. This class cannot be inherited. 
class PrincipalPermissionAttribute Allows security actions for PrincipalPermission to be applied to code using declarative security. This class cannot be inherited. 
class ReflectionPermission Controls access to metadata through the System.Reflection APIs. This class cannot be inherited. 
class ReflectionPermissionAttribute Allows security actions for ReflectionPermission to be applied to code using declarative security. This class cannot be inherited. 
class SecurityAttribute Specifies the base attribute class for declarative security from which CodeAccessSecurityAttribute is derived. 
class SecurityPermission Describes a set of security permissions applied to code. This class cannot be inherited. 
class SecurityPermissionAttribute Allows security actions for SecurityPermission to be applied to code using declarative security. This class cannot be inherited. 
class SiteIdentityPermission Defines the identity permission for the Web site from which the code originates. This class cannot be inherited. 
class SiteIdentityPermissionAttribute Allows security actions for SiteIdentityPermission to be applied to code using declarative security. This class cannot be inherited. 
class StrongNameIdentityPermission Defines the identity permission for strong names. This class cannot be inherited. 
class StrongNameIdentityPermissionAttribute Allows security actions for StrongNameIdentityPermission to be applied to code using declarative security. This class cannot be inherited. 
class StrongNamePublicKeyBlob Represents the public key information (called a blob) for a strong name. This class cannot be inherited. 
class UIPermission Controls the permissions related to user interfaces and the clipboard. This class cannot be inherited. 
class UIPermissionAttribute Allows security actions for UIPermission to be applied to code using declarative security. This class cannot be inherited. 
class UrlIdentityPermission Defines the identity permission for the URL from which the code originates. This class cannot be inherited. 
class UrlIdentityPermissionAttribute Allows security actions for UrlIdentityPermission to be applied to code using declarative security. This class cannot be inherited. 
class ZoneIdentityPermission Defines the identity permission for the zone from which the code originates. This class cannot be inherited. 
class ZoneIdentityPermissionAttribute Allows security actions for ZoneIdentityPermission to be applied to code using declarative security. This class cannot be inherited. 

Interface Description
interface IUnrestrictedPermission Allows a permission to expose an unrestricted state. 

Enumeration Description
enumeration EnvironmentPermissionAccess Specifies access to environment variables. 
enumeration FileDialogPermissionAccess Specifies the type of access to files allowed through the file dialog. 
enumeration FileIOPermissionAccess Specifies the type of file access requested. 
enumeration IsolatedStorageContainment Specifies the permitted use of isolated storage. 
enumeration PermissionState Specifies whether a permission should have all or no access to resources at creation. 
enumeration ReflectionPermissionFlag Specifies the permitted use of System.Reflection on members that are not visible. 
enumeration SecurityAction Specifies the security actions that can be performed using declarative security. 
enumeration SecurityPermissionFlag Specifies access flags for the security permission object. 
enumeration UIPermissionClipboard Specifies the type of clipboard access that is allowed to the calling code. 
enumeration UIPermissionWindow Specifies the type of windows that code is allowed to use. 

Namepace hierarchy

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