System.CodeDom.CodeBinaryOperatorType Enumeration

Assembly: System.dll
Namespace: System.CodeDom
Specifies identifiers for supported binary operators.
C# Syntax:
public enum CodeBinaryOperatorType
CodeBinaryOperatorType specifies identifiers for the most common types of binary operators. These operator identifiers are used by CodeBinaryOperatorExpression to indicate the type of operator in each expression.
See also:
System.CodeDom Namespace | CodeBinaryOperatorExpression

System.CodeDom.CodeBinaryOperatorType Member List:

Public Fields
Add Addition operator.
Assign Assignment operator.
BitwiseAnd Bitwise and operator.
BitwiseOr Bitwise or operator.
BooleanAnd Boolean and operator. This represents a short circuiting operator. A short circuiting operator will evaluate only as many expressions as necessary before returning a correct value.
BooleanOr Boolean or operator. This represents a short circuiting operator. A short circuiting operator will evaluate only as many expressions as necessary before returning a correct value.
Divide Division operator.
GreaterThan Greater than operator.
GreaterThanOrEqual Greater than or equal operator.
IdentityEquality Identity equal operator.
IdentityInequality Identity not equal operator.
LessThan Less than operator.
LessThanOrEqual Less than or equal operator.
Modulus Modulus operator.
Multiply Multiplication operator.
Subtract Subtraction operator.
ValueEquality Value equal operator.


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