Namespace: System.CodeDom

The System.CodeDom namespace contains classes that can be used to represent the elements and structure of a source code document. These elements may be used to model the structure of a source code document that may be output as source code in a supported language using the functionality provided by the System.CodeDom.Compiler namespace.

For more information about using the CodeDOM to represent and generate source code, see the conceptual topic at MSDN: Generating and Compiling Source Code Dynamically in Multiple Languages.

For a table that lists the CodeDOM elements by type and function, see the the conceptual topic at MSDN: CodeDOM Quick Reference.

Members of System.CodeDom Namespace

Class Description
class CodeArgumentReferenceExpression Represents a reference to an argument. 
class CodeArrayCreateExpression Represents an expression that creates an array. 
class CodeArrayIndexerExpression Represents an expression that indicates an array and a specific index or indices. 
class CodeAssignStatement Represents a simple assignment statement. 
class CodeAttachEventStatement Represents a statement that attaches an event handler. 
class CodeAttributeArgument Represents an argument used in a metadata custom attribute declaration. 
class CodeAttributeArgumentCollection Represents a collection of CodeAttributeArgument objects. 
class CodeAttributeDeclaration Represents an attribute declaration. 
class CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection Represents a collection of CodeAttributeDeclaration objects. 
class CodeBaseReferenceExpression Represents a reference to the base class. 
class CodeBinaryOperatorExpression Represents an expression that consists of a binary operation between two expressions. 
class CodeCastExpression Represents an expression that is to be cast to a data type or interface. 
class CodeCatchClause Represents a catch exception block. 
class CodeCatchClauseCollection Represents a collection of CodeCatchClause objects. 
class CodeComment Represents a comment. 
class CodeCommentStatement Represents a statement consisting of a single comment. 
class CodeCommentStatementCollection Represents a collection of CodeCommentStatement objects. 
class CodeCompileUnit Provides a top-level object to use for compilation. 
class CodeConditionStatement Represents a conditional branch statement, typically represented as an statement. 
class CodeConstructor Represents the declaration of an instance constructor for a type. 
class CodeDelegateCreateExpression Represents an expression that creates a delegate. 
class CodeDelegateInvokeExpression Represents an expression that invokes a delegate. 
class CodeDirectionExpression Represents an expression that indicates the direction type of the reference. 
class CodeEntryPointMethod Represents the entry point of an executable. 
class CodeEventReferenceExpression Represents an expression that references an event. 
class CodeExpression Represents a code expression. This is a base class for other code expression objects that is never instantiated. 
class CodeExpressionCollection Represents a collection of CodeExpression objects. 
class CodeExpressionStatement Represents a statement that consists of a single expression. 
class CodeFieldReferenceExpression Represents a reference to a field. 
class CodeGotoStatement Represents a statement. 
class CodeIndexerExpression Represents a reference to an indexer property of an object. 
class CodeIterationStatement Represents a for statement, or a simple loop through a block of statements, using a test expression as a condition for continuing to loop. 
class CodeLabeledStatement Represents a labeled statement or a stand-alone label. 
class CodeLinePragma Represents a specific location within a specific file. 
class CodeMemberEvent Represents an event member of a class. 
class CodeMemberField Represents a field class member declaration. 
class CodeMemberMethod Represents a declaration for a method of a class. 
class CodeMemberProperty Represents a declaration for a property of a class. 
class CodeMethodInvokeExpression Represents an expression that invokes a method. 
class CodeMethodReferenceExpression Represents an expression that references a method on a specific object. 
class CodeMethodReturnStatement Represents a return statement. 
class CodeNamespace Represents a namespace declaration. 
class CodeNamespaceCollection Represents a collection of CodeNamespace objects. 
class CodeNamespaceImport Represents a namespace import directive that indicates a namespace to use. 
class CodeNamespaceImportCollection Represents a collection of CodeNamespaceImport objects. 
class CodeObject Provides a common base class for most Code Document Object Model (CodeDOM) objects. 
class CodeObjectCreateExpression Represents an expression that creates a new instance of an object. 
class CodeParameterDeclarationExpression Represents a parameter declaration for a method, property, or constructor. 
class CodeParameterDeclarationExpressionCollection Represents a collection of CodeParameterDeclarationExpression objects. 
class CodePrimitiveExpression Represents a primitive data type value. 
class CodePropertyReferenceExpression Represents a reference to a property. 
class CodePropertySetValueReferenceExpression Represents an expression that represents the value argument of a property set method call within a property set method declaration. 
class CodeRemoveEventStatement Represents a statement that removes an event handler. 
class CodeSnippetCompileUnit Represents a literal code fragment that can be compiled. 
class CodeSnippetExpression Represents a literal expression. 
class CodeSnippetStatement Represents a statement using a literal code fragment. 
class CodeSnippetTypeMember Represents a member of a class using a literal code fragment. 
class CodeStatement Represents a statement. This is a base class for other code statement objects that is never instantiated. 
class CodeStatementCollection Represents a collection of CodeStatement objects. 
class CodeThisReferenceExpression Represents a reference to the current local class instance. 
class CodeThrowExceptionStatement Represents a statement that throws an exception. 
class CodeTryCatchFinallyStatement Represents a try block, with any number of catch clauses and optionally, a finally block. 
class CodeTypeConstructor Represents a static constructor for a class. 
class CodeTypeDeclaration Represents a type declaration for a class, structure, interface or enumeration. 
class CodeTypeDeclarationCollection Represents a collection of CodeTypeDeclaration objects. 
class CodeTypeDelegate Represents a delegate declaration. 
class CodeTypeMember Represents the declaration for a member of a type. Type members include fields, methods, properties, constructors and nested types. 
class CodeTypeMemberCollection Represents a collection of CodeTypeMember objects. 
class CodeTypeOfExpression Represents a expression, an expression that returns a specified runtime type. 
class CodeTypeReference Represents a data type to CodeDOM objects. 
class CodeTypeReferenceCollection Represents a collection of CodeTypeReference objects. 
class CodeTypeReferenceExpression Represents a reference to a data type. 
class CodeVariableDeclarationStatement Represents a declaration of a variable. 
class CodeVariableReferenceExpression Represents an expression that references a local variable. 

Enumeration Description
enumeration CodeBinaryOperatorType Specifies identifiers for supported binary operators. 
enumeration FieldDirection Specifies identifiers used to indicate the direction of parameter and argument declarations. 
enumeration MemberAttributes Specifies member attribute identifiers for class members. 

Namepace hierarchy

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