System.Random Class

Assembly: Mscorlib.dll
Namespace: System
Represents a pseudo-random number generator, a device that produces a sequence of numbers that meet certain statistical requirements for randomness.
C# Syntax:
public class Random
Pseudo-random numbers are chosen with equal probability from a finite set of numbers. The chosen numbers are not completely random because a definite mathematical algorithm is used to select them, but they are sufficiently random for practical purposes.

The random number generation starts from a seed value. If the same seed is used repeatedly, the same series of numbers is generated. One way to produce different sequences is to make the seed value time-dependent, thereby producing a different series with each new instance of Random.

See also:
System Namespace

System.Random Member List:

Public Constructors
ctor #1 Overloaded:

Default constructor. This constructor is called by derived class constructors to initialize state in this type.
Initializes a new instance of the Random class, using a time-dependent default seed value.
ctor #2 Overloaded:
.ctor(int Seed)

Initializes a new instance of the Random class, using the specified seed value.
Public Methods
(inherited from System.Object)
See base class member description: System.Object.Equals

Derived from System.Object, the primary base class for all objects.
(inherited from System.Object)
See base class member description: System.Object.GetHashCode

Derived from System.Object, the primary base class for all objects.
(inherited from System.Object)
See base class member description: System.Object.GetType

Derived from System.Object, the primary base class for all objects.
Next Overloaded:

Returns a positive random number.
Next Overloaded:
Next(int maxValue)

Returns a positive random number less than the specified maximum.
Next Overloaded:
Next(int minValue, int maxValue)

Returns a random number within a specified range.
NextBytes Fills the elements of a specified array of bytes with random numbers.
NextDouble Returns a random number between 0.0 and 1.0.
(inherited from System.Object)
See base class member description: System.Object.ToString

Derived from System.Object, the primary base class for all objects.
Protected Methods
(inherited from System.Object)
See base class member description: System.Object.Finalize

Derived from System.Object, the primary base class for all objects.
(inherited from System.Object)
See base class member description: System.Object.MemberwiseClone

Derived from System.Object, the primary base class for all objects.
Sample Returns a random number between 0.0 and 1.0.


System.Random Member Details

Overloaded ctor #1
Initializes a new instance of the Random class, using a time-dependent default seed value.

Default constructor. This constructor is called by derived class constructors to initialize state in this type.
C# Syntax:
public Random();
The distribution of the generated numbers is uniform; each number is equally likely to be returned.

When generating random numbers on high-performance systems, the system clock value might not produce the expected behavior. For details, see the Remarks section of the ( Int32) constructor.

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Overloaded ctor #2
Initializes a new instance of the Random class, using the specified seed value.
C# Syntax:
public Random(
   int Seed


A number used to calculate a starting value for the pseudo-random number sequence.

If your application requires different random number sequences, invoke this constructor repeatedly with different seed values. One way to produce a unique seed value is to make it time-dependent. For example, derive the seed value from the system clock.

However, if your application runs on a fast computer the system clock might not have time to change between invocations of this constructor; the seed value might be the same for different instances of Random. In that case, apply an algorithm to differentiate the seed value in each invocation.

For instance, the following C# expressions use a bitwise complement operation to generate two different seed values even if the system time value is the same.

Random rdm1 = new Random(unchecked((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks));

Random rdm2 = new Random(~unchecked((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks));

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Method: Equals(
   object obj
See base class member description: System.Object.Equals
C# Syntax:
public virtual bool Equals(
   object obj

For more information on members inherited from System.Object click on the link above.

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Method: Finalize()
See base class member description: System.Object.Finalize
C# Syntax:

For more information on members inherited from System.Object click on the link above.

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Method: GetHashCode()
See base class member description: System.Object.GetHashCode
C# Syntax:
public virtual int GetHashCode();

For more information on members inherited from System.Object click on the link above.

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Method: GetType()
See base class member description: System.Object.GetType
C# Syntax:
public Type GetType();

For more information on members inherited from System.Object click on the link above.

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Method: MemberwiseClone()
See base class member description: System.Object.MemberwiseClone
C# Syntax:
protected object MemberwiseClone();

For more information on members inherited from System.Object click on the link above.

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Overloaded Method: Next()
Returns a positive random number.
C# Syntax:
public virtual int Next();
Return Value:
A number greater than or equal to zero and less than Int32.MaxValue.
See also:

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Overloaded Method: Next(
   int maxValue
Returns a positive random number less than the specified maximum.
C# Syntax:
public virtual int Next(
   int maxValue


The upper bound of the random number to be generated.maxValue must be greater than or equal to zero.

Return Value:
A number greater than or equal to zero, and less than maxValue.
Exception Type Condition
ArgumentOutOfRangeException maxValue is less than zero.
See also:

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Overloaded Method: Next(
   int minValue,
   int maxValue
Returns a random number within a specified range.
C# Syntax:
public virtual int Next(
   int minValue,
   int maxValue


The lower bound of the random number returned.


The upper bound of the random number returned.maxValue must be greater than or equal to minValue.

Return Value:
A number greater than or equal to minValue and less than maxValue. If minValue equals maxValue, minValue is returned.
Exception Type Condition
ArgumentOutOfRangeException minValue is greater than maxValue.
See also:

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Method: NextBytes(
   byte[] buffer
Fills the elements of a specified array of bytes with random numbers.
C# Syntax:
public virtual void NextBytes(
   byte[] buffer


An array of bytes to contain random numbers.

Exception Type Condition
ArgumentNullException buffer is null.
Each element of the array of bytes is set to a random number greater than or equal to zero, and less than or equal to Byte.MaxValue.
        Random rnd = new Random();
        Byte[] b = new Byte[10];
        Console.WriteLine("The Random bytes are: ");
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

See also:

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Method: NextDouble()
Returns a random number between 0.0 and 1.0.
C# Syntax:
public virtual double NextDouble();
Return Value:
A double-precision floating point number greater than or equal to 0.0, and less than 1.0.
This method is the public version of the protected method, Random.Sample.

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Method: Sample()
Returns a random number between 0.0 and 1.0.
C# Syntax:
protected virtual double Sample();
Return Value:
A double-precision floating point number greater than or equal to 0.0, and less than 1.0.
Create a derived class of Random to override this method and produce a different distribution.
See also:

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Method: ToString()
See base class member description: System.Object.ToString
C# Syntax:
public virtual string ToString();

For more information on members inherited from System.Object click on the link above.

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