Namespace: System.Text

The System.Text namespace contains classes representing ASCII, Unicode, UTF-7, and UTF-8 character encodings; abstract base classes for converting blocks of characters to and from blocks of bytes; and a helper class that manipulates and formats String objects without creating intermediate instances of String.

Members of System.Text Namespace

Class Description
class ASCIIEncoding Represents an ASCII character encoding of Unicode characters. 
class Decoder Converts encoded blocks of bytes into blocks of Unicode characters. 
class Encoder Converts blocks of Unicode characters into encoded blocks of bytes. 
class Encoding Represents a character encoding. 
class StringBuilder Represents a mutable string of characters. This class cannot be inherited. 
class UnicodeEncoding Represents a UTF-16 encoding of Unicode characters. 
class UTF7Encoding Represents a UTF-7 encoding of Unicode characters. 
class UTF8Encoding Represents a UTF-8 encoding of Unicode characters. 

Namepace hierarchy

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