Namespace: System.Security

The System.Security namespace provides the underlying structure of the common language runtime security system, including base classes for permissions.

Members of System.Security Namespace

Class Description
class AllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttribute  
class CodeAccessPermission Defines the underlying structure of all code access permissions. 
class NamedPermissionSet Defines a permission set that has a name and description associated with it. This class cannot be inherited. 
class PermissionSet Represents a collection that can contain many different types of permissions. 
class SecurityElement Represents the XML object model for encoding security objects. This class cannot be inherited. 
class SecurityException The exception that is thrown when a security error is detected. 
class SecurityManager Provides the main access point for classes interacting with the security system. This class cannot be inherited. 
class SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityAttribute Allows managed code to call into unmanaged code without a stack walk. This class cannot be inherited. 
class UnverifiableCodeAttribute Marks modules containing unverifiable code. This class cannot be inherited. 
class VerificationException The exception that is thrown when the security policy requires code to be type safe and the verification process is unable to verify that the code is type safe. 
class XmlSyntaxException The exception that is thrown when there is a syntax error in XML parsing. This class cannot be inherited. 

Interface Description
interface IEvidenceFactory Gets an object's Evidence. Gets an object's Evidence
interface IPermission Defines methods implemented by permission types. 
interface ISecurityEncodable Defines the methods that convert permission object state to and from XML element representation. 
interface ISecurityPolicyEncodable Supports the methods that convert permission object state to and from an XML element representation. 
interface IStackWalk Manages the stack walk that determines whether all callers in the call stack have the required permissions to access a protected resource. 

Enumeration Description
enumeration PolicyLevelType Specifies the type of a managed code policy level. 
enumeration SecurityZone Defines the integer values corresponding to security zones used by security policy. 

Namepace hierarchy

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