Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging

The System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging namespace contains classes used to create and transmit messages. The remoting infrastructure uses messages to communicate with remote objects. Messages are used to transmit remote method calls, to activate remote objects, and to communicate information. A message object carries a set of named properties, including action identifiers, envoy information, and parameters. Some of the most important classes of the System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging namespace are the AsyncResult class, the RemotingSurrogateSelector class, and the ReturnMessage class.

The AsyncResult class stores and returns the results of an asynchronous method call. AsyncResult instances contain the value, call status, the delegate used for the call, and the other information about the asynchronous method call.

The RemotingSurrogateSelector class can be used to control serialization of objects that extend MarshalByRefObject. A RemotingSurrogateSelector selects the surrogate used in serialization and deserialization of such objects. A surrogate is an object that can control serialization or deserialization of an object.

The ReturnMessage class holds information returned after a remote method call. A ReturnMessage holds the value and any or parameters that resulted from the remote method call.

Members of System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging Namespace

Class Description
class AsyncResult Encapsulates the results of an asynchronous operation on an asynchronous delegate. 
class CallContext Provides a set of properties that are carried with the execution code path. This class cannot be inherited. 
class ConstructionCall This type supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

Reserved class, for internal use only. 
class ConstructionResponse This type supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

Reserved class, for internal use only. 
class Header Defines the out-of-band data for a call. 
class InternalMessageWrapper This type supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

Reserved class, for internal use only. 
class LogicalCallContext Provides a set of properties that are carried with the execution code path during remote method calls. 
class MethodCall This type supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

Reserved class, for internal use only. 
class MethodCallMessageWrapper This type supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

Reserved class, for internal use only. 
class MethodResponse This type supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

Reserved class, for internal use only. 
class MethodReturnMessageWrapper This type supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

Reserved class, for internal use only. 
class OneWayAttribute Marks a method as one way, without a return value and or parameters. 
class RemotingSurrogateSelector Selects the remoting surrogate that can be used to serialize an object that derives from a MarshalByRefObject
class ReturnMessage Holds a message returned in response to a method call on a remote object. 

Interface Description
interface ILogicalThreadAffinative Marks an object that can propagate outside of an AppDomain in a LogicalCallContext
interface IMessage Contains communication data sent between cooperating message sinks. 
interface IMessageCtrl Provides a way to control asynchronous messages after they have dispatched using the IMessageSink.AsyncProcessMessage
interface IMessageSink Defines the interface for a message sink. 
interface IMethodCallMessage Defines the method call message interface. 
interface IMethodMessage Defines the method message interface. 
interface IMethodReturnMessage Defines the method call return message interface. 
interface IRemotingFormatter Provides the remote procedure call (RPC) interface for all formatters. 

Delegate Description
delegate HeaderHandler Represents the method that will handle processing of headers on the stream during deserialization. 
delegate MessageSurrogateFilter Reserved class, for internal use only. 

Namepace hierarchy

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