Namespace: System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Http

The System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Http namespace contains channels that use the HTTP protocol to transport messages and objects to and from remote locations. By default, the HTTP channels encode objects and method calls in SOAP format for transmission, but other encoding and decoding formatter sinks can be specified in the configuration properties of a channel. One of the most important classes of the System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Http namespace is the HttpChannel class.

The HttpChannel class combines the HttpClientChannel class and the HttpServerChannel class, and can be used to receive and send messages using the HTTP protocol.

Members of System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Http Namespace

Class Description
class HttpChannel Provides an implementation for a sender-receiver channel that uses the HTTP protocol to transmit messages. 
class HttpClientChannel Provides an implementation for a client channel that uses the HTTP protocol to transmit messages. 
class HttpServerChannel Provides an implementation for a server channel that uses the HTTP protocol to transmit messages. 

Namepace hierarchy

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