System.Net.IPAddress Class

Assembly: System.dll
Namespace: System.Net
Provides an Internet Protocol (IP) address.
C# Syntax:
public class IPAddress
The IPAddress class contains the address of a computer on an IP network.
The following example creates an IPAddress instance and then uses that instance to perform a DNS query for host information:
 IPAddress myIP = IPAddress.Parse("");
 IPHostEntry myHost = Dns.GetHostByAddress(myIP);

See also:
System.Net Namespace

System.Net.IPAddress Member List:

Public Constructors
ctor #1 Initializes a new instance of the IPAddress class with the specified address.
Public Fields
Any Provides an IP address indicating that the server should listen for client activity on all network interfaces. This field is read-only.
Broadcast Provides the IP broadcast address. This field is read-only.
Loopback Provides the IP loopback address. This field is read-only.
None Provides an IP address indicating that no network interface should be used. This field is read-only.
Public Properties
Address Read-write

An Internet Protocol (IP) address.
AddressFamily Read-only

Specifies the address family of the IP address.
Public Methods
Equals Overridden:
Compares two IP addresses.
GetHashCode Overridden:
Returns a hash value for an IP address.
(inherited from System.Object)
See base class member description: System.Object.GetType

Derived from System.Object, the primary base class for all objects.
HostToNetworkOrder Overloaded:
HostToNetworkOrder(short host)

Converts a short value from host byte order to network byte order.
HostToNetworkOrder Overloaded:
HostToNetworkOrder(int host)

Converts an integer value from host byte order to network byte order.
HostToNetworkOrder Overloaded:
HostToNetworkOrder(long host)

Converts a long value from host byte order to network byte order.
IsLoopback Indicates whether the specified IP address is the loopback address.
NetworkToHostOrder Overloaded:
NetworkToHostOrder(short network)

Converts a short value from network byte order to host byte order.
NetworkToHostOrder Overloaded:
NetworkToHostOrder(int network)

Converts an integer value from network byte order to host byte order.
NetworkToHostOrder Overloaded:
NetworkToHostOrder(long network)

Converts a long value from network byte order to host byte order.
Parse Converts an IP address string to an IPAddress instance.
ToString Overridden:
Converts an Internet address to standard dotted-quad format.
Protected Methods
(inherited from System.Object)
See base class member description: System.Object.Finalize

Derived from System.Object, the primary base class for all objects.
(inherited from System.Object)
See base class member description: System.Object.MemberwiseClone

Derived from System.Object, the primary base class for all objects.


System.Net.IPAddress Member Details

ctor #1
Initializes a new instance of the IPAddress class with the specified address.
C# Syntax:
public IPAddress(
   long newAddress


The integer value of the IP address.

The IPAddress instance is created with the IPAddress.Address property set to newaddress.

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Field: Any
Provides an IP address indicating that the server should listen for client activity on all network interfaces. This field is read-only.
C# Syntax:
public static readonly IPAddress Any;
The Socket.Bind method uses the IPAddress.Any field to indicate that a Socket instance should listen for client activity on all network interfaces.

The IPAddress.Any field is equivalent to

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Field: Broadcast
Provides the IP broadcast address. This field is read-only.
C# Syntax:
public static readonly IPAddress Broadcast;
The IPAddress.Broadcast field is equivalent to in dotted-quad notation.

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Field: Loopback
Provides the IP loopback address. This field is read-only.
C# Syntax:
public static readonly IPAddress Loopback;
The IPAddress.Loopback field is equivalent to in dotted-quad notation.

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Field: None
Provides an IP address indicating that no network interface should be used. This field is read-only.
C# Syntax:
public static readonly IPAddress None;
The Socket.Bind method uses the IPAddress.None field to indicate that a Socket instance should not listen for client activity.

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Property: Address (read-write)
An Internet Protocol (IP) address.
C# Syntax:
public long Address {get; set;}
To convert IPAddress.Address to dotted-quad notation, use the IPAddress.ToString method.

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Property: AddressFamily (read-only)
Specifies the address family of the IP address.
C# Syntax:
public AddressFamily AddressFamily {get;}

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Overridden Method: Equals(
   object comparand
Compares two IP addresses.
C# Syntax:
public override bool Equals(
   object comparand


An IPAddress instance to compare to the current instance.

Return Value:
true if the two address are equal; otherwise, false.
The IPAddress.Equals method compares the current IPAddress instance with the comparand parameter and returns true if the two instance contain the same IP address.

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Method: Finalize()
See base class member description: System.Object.Finalize
C# Syntax:

For more information on members inherited from System.Object click on the link above.

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Overridden Method: GetHashCode()
Returns a hash value for an IP address.
C# Syntax:
public override int GetHashCode();
Return Value:
An integer hash value.
The IPAddress.GetHashCode method returns a hash code of the IP address. This value can be used as a key in hash tables.

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Method: GetType()
See base class member description: System.Object.GetType
C# Syntax:
public Type GetType();

For more information on members inherited from System.Object click on the link above.

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Overloaded Method: HostToNetworkOrder(
   short host
Converts a short value from host byte order to network byte order.
C# Syntax:
public static short HostToNetworkOrder(
   short host


The number to convert expressed in host byte order.

Return Value:
A short value expressed in network byte order.
Different computers use different conventions for ordering the bytes within multibyte integer values. Some computers put the most significant byte first (known as big-endian order) and others put the least-significant byte first (known as little-endian order). To enable computers that use different byte ordering, all integer values sent over the network are sent in network byte order.

The IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder method converts multibyte integer values stored on the host system from the byte order used by the host to the byte order used by the network.

See also:

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Overloaded Method: HostToNetworkOrder(
   int host
Converts an integer value from host byte order to network byte order.
C# Syntax:
public static int HostToNetworkOrder(
   int host


The number to convert expressed in host byte order.

Return Value:
An integer value expressed in network byte order.
Different computers use different conventions for ordering the bytes within multibyte integer values. Some computers put the most significant byte first (known as big-endian order) and others put the least-significant byte first (known as little-endian order). To enable computers that use different byte ordering, all integer values sent over the network are sent in network byte order.

The IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder method converts multibyte integer values stored on the host system from the byte order used by the host to the byte order used by the network.

See also:

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Overloaded Method: HostToNetworkOrder(
   long host
Converts a long value from host byte order to network byte order.
C# Syntax:
public static long HostToNetworkOrder(
   long host


The number to convert expressed in host byte order.

Return Value:
A long value expressed in network byte order.
Different computers use different conventions for ordering the bytes within multibyte integer values. Some computers put the most significant byte first (known as big-endian order) and others put the least-significant byte first (known as little-endian order). To enable computers that use different byte ordering, all integer values sent over the network are sent in network byte order.

The IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder method converts multibyte integer values stored on the host system from the byte order used by the host to the byte order used by the network.

See also:

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Method: IsLoopback(
   IPAddress address
Indicates whether the specified IP address is the loopback address.
C# Syntax:
public static bool IsLoopback(
   IPAddress address


An IP address.

Return Value:
true if address is the loopback address; otherwise false.
The IPAddress.IsLoopback method compares address to IPAddress.Loopback and returns true if the two IP address are the same.

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Method: MemberwiseClone()
See base class member description: System.Object.MemberwiseClone
C# Syntax:
protected object MemberwiseClone();

For more information on members inherited from System.Object click on the link above.

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Overloaded Method: NetworkToHostOrder(
   short network
Converts a short value from network byte order to host byte order.
C# Syntax:
public static short NetworkToHostOrder(
   short network


The number to convert expressed in network byte order.

Return Value:
A short value expressed in host byte order.
Different computers use different conventions for ordering the bytes within multibyte integer values. Some computers put the most significant byte first (known as big-endian order) and others put the least-significant byte first (known as little-endian order). To enable computers that use different byte ordering, all integer values sent over the network are sent in network byte order.

The IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder method converts multibyte integer values stored on the host system from the byte order used by the network to the byte order used by the host.

See also:

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Overloaded Method: NetworkToHostOrder(
   int network
Converts an integer value from network byte order to host byte order.
C# Syntax:
public static int NetworkToHostOrder(
   int network


The number to convert expressed in network byte order.

Return Value:
An integer value expressed in host byte order.
Different computers use different conventions for ordering the bytes within multibyte integer values. Some computers put the most significant byte first (known as big-endian order) and others put the least-significant byte first (known as little-endian order). To enable computers that use different byte ordering, all integer values sent over the network are sent in network byte order.

The IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder method converts multibyte integer values stored on the host system from the byte order used by the network to the byte order used by the host.

See also:

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Overloaded Method: NetworkToHostOrder(
   long network
Converts a long value from network byte order to host byte order.
C# Syntax:
public static long NetworkToHostOrder(
   long network


The number to convert expressed in network byte order.

Return Value:
A long value expressed in host byte order.
Different computers use different conventions for ordering the bytes within multibyte integer values. Some computers put the most significant byte first (known as big-endian order) and others put the least-significant byte first (known as little-endian order). To enable computers that use different byte ordering, all integer values sent over the network are sent in network byte order.

The IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder method converts multibyte integer values stored on the host system from the byte order used by the network to the byte order used by the host.

See also:

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Method: Parse(
   string ipString
Converts an IP address string to an IPAddress instance.
C# Syntax:
public static IPAddress Parse(
   string ipString


A string containing an IP address in dotted-quad notation (for example, "").

Return Value:
An IPAddress instance.
Exception Type Condition
ArgumentNullException ipString is null.
FormatException ipString is not a valid IP address.
The static IPAddress.Parse method creates an IPAddress instance from an IP address expressed in dotted-quad ("") notation.

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Overridden Method: ToString()
Converts an Internet address to standard dotted-quad format.
C# Syntax:
public override string ToString();
Return Value:
A string containing the IP address in dotted-quad format (for example, "").
The IPAddress.ToString method converts the IP address stored in the IPAddress.Address property is converted to dotted-quad notation (for example, "").

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