
Assembly: System.dll
Namespace: System.Net
Represents the method that notifies callers when a continue response is received by the client.
C# Syntax:
public delegate void HttpContinueDelegate(int StatusCode, WebHeaderCollection httpHeaders);
The declaration of your event handler must have the same parameters as the HttpContinueDelegate delegate declaration.


The numeric value of the HTTP status from the server.


The headers returned with the 100-continue response from the server.

Use HttpContinueDelegate to specify the callback method to be called when an HTTP 100-continue response is received from the server. When set, the delegate is called whenever protocol responses of type HttpStatusCode.Continue are received. You event handler must declare the same parameters as the HttpContinueDelegate.

Note StatusCode is always HttpStatusCode.Continue.

This is useful when the client wants to display the status of data being received from the server.

See also:
System.Net Namespace


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