Account - class apps.email.db.Account.
Stores information about a particular e-mail account.
Account(int, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class apps.email.db.Account
Constructs a new Account
addAccount(Account) - Method in class apps.email.db.User
Adds an accounts
addAddress(int, String, String) - Method in class apps.email.db.JDBCAddressBookCreator
Attempts to add a new address to the user's addressbook.
addAddress(String, String) - Method in class apps.email.db.AddressBook
Adds an address to the AddressBook.
Address - class apps.email.db.Address.
Represents an Address from an AddressBook.
Address(String, String) - Constructor for class apps.email.db.Address
Construct a new Address
AddressBook - class apps.email.db.AddressBook.
Represents an address book of addresses.
AddressBook() - Constructor for class apps.email.db.AddressBook
Constructs a new AddressBook.
AddressBook(ArrayList) - Constructor for class apps.email.db.AddressBook
Constructs a new AddressBook with a list of addresses.
apps.email - package apps.email
Provides the EmailServlet application.
apps.email.db - package apps.email.db
Provides the database classes for use with the EmailServlet application.
apps.email.util - package apps.email.util
Provides utility classes for the EmailServlet application.
AudioConverter - class edu.columbia.cs.util.AudioConverter.
Takes a file and a mimetype and converts it to a WAV file playable by TellMe.
AudioConverter() - Constructor for class edu.columbia.cs.util.AudioConverter


compare(Object, Object) - Method in class apps.email.util.MessageComparator
Takes two objects.
convertAudio(String, String, String) - Method in class edu.columbia.cs.util.AudioConverter
Makes a JNI class to /usr/bin/sox.
createNewUser(int, int) - Method in class apps.email.db.JDBCUserCreator
Attempts to create a new user.


DBConn - class edu.columbia.cs.util.DBConn.
Provides a connection to the a database using Code Studio's implementation of connection pooling.
DBConn(String) - Constructor for class edu.columbia.cs.util.DBConn
the private constructor
DEBUG - Static variable in class edu.columbia.cs.util.Log
debugStream - Variable in class edu.columbia.cs.util.Log
DEFAULT - Static variable in class edu.columbia.cs.util.Log
DeleteFilesThread - class edu.columbia.cs.util.DeleteFilesThread.
Periodically deletes the files and subdirectories in a specified directory older than one hour old.
DeleteFilesThread(String) - Constructor for class edu.columbia.cs.util.DeleteFilesThread
Constructs a new DeleteFilesThread with a specified directory whose contents to delete.
DeleteFilesThread(String, int) - Constructor for class edu.columbia.cs.util.DeleteFilesThread
Constructs a new DeleteFilesThread with a specified directory whose contents to delete and a specified sleep time.
destroy() - Method in class apps.email.EmailServlet
Called before the servlet is unloaded.
DictionaryFactory - class edu.columbia.cs.util.DictionaryFactory.
Reads in /usr/dict/words and creates a HashSet out of it.
doCompose(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class apps.email.EmailServlet
Records a new message.
doDisplayMessage(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class apps.email.EmailServlet
Displays the content of the message associated with the current request.
doForward(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class apps.email.EmailServlet
Records a new message as a first step in forwading a message.
doForwardMsg(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, String, String, int) - Method in class apps.email.EmailServlet
Forwards a message
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class apps.email.EmailServlet
Handles a HTTP GET request.
doLogin(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class apps.email.EmailServlet
Processes a user login request.
doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class apps.email.EmailServlet
Processes an HttpServletRequest that encapsulates the request to the servlet.
doRecord(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class apps.email.EmailServlet
Records a message.
doReply(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, int, String) - Method in class apps.email.EmailServlet
Sends a reply to a message.
doSendMessage(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, String, String, int) - Method in class apps.email.EmailServlet
Sends a new message.


edu.columbia.cs.util - package edu.columbia.cs.util
Provides utility classes for any voice application.
EmailServlet - class apps.email.EmailServlet.
Receives requests from various Java Server Pages.
EmailServlet() - Constructor for class apps.email.EmailServlet
equals(Object, Object) - Method in class apps.email.util.MessageComparator
Takes two objects.
ERROR - Static variable in class edu.columbia.cs.util.Log
errorStream - Variable in class edu.columbia.cs.util.Log
execute() - Method in class apps.email.db.JDBCUserCreator
Executes an SQL stmt.
execute() - Method in class apps.email.db.JDBCAddressBookCreator
Executes an SQL statement.


getAccountAt(int) - Method in class apps.email.db.User
Adds an accounts
getAccounts() - Method in class apps.email.db.User
Retrieve the user's accounts
getAddressBook() - Method in class apps.email.db.User
Retrieves the user's addressbook
getAddresses() - Method in class apps.email.db.AddressBook
Gets the list of addresses.
getConnection() - Method in class edu.columbia.cs.util.DBConn
Returns a Connection.
getDictionary() - Method in class edu.columbia.cs.util.DictionaryFactory
Get the HashSet representation of words.
getEmail() - Method in class apps.email.db.Account
Retrieves the email address.
getEmailAddress() - Method in class apps.email.db.Address
Gets the email address.
getFolder() - Method in class apps.email.db.Account
Retreives the Folder object.
getHost() - Method in class apps.email.db.Account
Retrieves the host server.
getInstance() - Static method in class edu.columbia.cs.util.DictionaryFactory
Get the instance of the DictionaryFactory.
getInstance(String) - Static method in class apps.email.db.JDBCAddressBookBuilder
Obtains a reference to the singleton JDBCAddressBookBuilder object.
getInstance(String) - Static method in class apps.email.db.JDBCAccountBuilder
Gets a connection to a specific database.
getInstance(String) - Static method in class apps.email.db.JDBCUserBuilder
getInstance(String) - Static method in class apps.email.db.JDBCUserCreator
Creates a new instance of JDBCUserCreator.
getInstance(String) - Static method in class apps.email.db.JDBCAddressBookCreator
Gets an instance of JDBCAddressBookCreator
getLogLevel() - Method in class edu.columbia.cs.util.Log
Returns the current level of logging.
getLogStream(int) - Method in class edu.columbia.cs.util.Log
Returns the appropriate log stream.
getName() - Method in class apps.email.db.Address
Gets the name.
getPassword() - Method in class apps.email.db.Account
Retrieves the password.
getPin() - Method in class apps.email.db.User
Retrieve the user's pin
getSession() - Method in class apps.email.db.Account
Retrieves the session.
getStore() - Method in class apps.email.db.Account
Retreives the Store object.
getUserd() - Method in class apps.email.db.Account
Retrieves the user id.
getUserId() - Method in class apps.email.db.User
Retrieve the user's userid


hasAudio(Part) - Method in class apps.email.util.MessageComparator
Takes a java mail Part object.


INFO - Static variable in class edu.columbia.cs.util.Log
infoStream - Variable in class edu.columbia.cs.util.Log
init() - Method in class apps.email.EmailServlet
Invoked when the servlet is first loaded.


JDBCAccountBuilder - class apps.email.db.JDBCAccountBuilder.
Builder class for creating an Account object.
JDBCAddressBookBuilder - class apps.email.db.JDBCAddressBookBuilder.
Builder class for creating an addressbook for the user.
JDBCAddressBookCreator - class apps.email.db.JDBCAddressBookCreator.
Creator class for creating a new AddressBook object.
JDBCUserBuilder - class apps.email.db.JDBCUserBuilder.
Builder class for creating an User object.
JDBCUserCreator - class apps.email.db.JDBCUserCreator.
Creator class for creating a new User object.
JSPLoader - class apps.email.util.JSPLoader.
Makes a URL connection to each JSP file in a specified directory.
JSPLoader() - Constructor for class apps.email.util.JSPLoader
Reads the properties file and sets jspDir and serverUrl.


loadJSPs() - Method in class apps.email.util.JSPLoader
Makes a URL connection to each JSP file in jspDir.
Log - class edu.columbia.cs.util.Log.
Logs messages to appropriate streams specified by a properties file.
LOG_LEVEL - Variable in class edu.columbia.cs.util.Log
Log() - Constructor for class edu.columbia.cs.util.Log
Constructs a new Log with the default properties.
Log(String) - Constructor for class edu.columbia.cs.util.Log
Constructs a new Log with a specified properties file.
logMessage(int, String) - Method in class edu.columbia.cs.util.Log
Log a message.
logMessage(int, String, String) - Method in class edu.columbia.cs.util.Log
Log a message with a prepended class name.


main(String[]) - Static method in class apps.email.util.JSPLoader
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.columbia.cs.util.AudioConverter
main(String[]) - Static method in class edu.columbia.cs.util.TextProcessor
MessageComparator - class apps.email.util.MessageComparator.
A comparator used to order an array of Message objects.
MessageComparator(String) - Constructor for class apps.email.util.MessageComparator
The constructor sets user_email.


printMsgs(ArrayList) - Method in class apps.email.EmailServlet
printMsgs prints subject of messages.
processText(String) - Method in class edu.columbia.cs.util.TextProcessor
Processes email text.


queryByUserId(int) - Method in class apps.email.db.JDBCAddressBookBuilder
Queries the database based on the user id and returns people on the user's addressbook.
queryByUserId(int) - Method in class apps.email.db.JDBCAccountBuilder
Returns the user's account.
queryByUserId(int) - Method in class apps.email.db.JDBCUserBuilder
Returns user known by the id.
queryByUserIdPin(int, String) - Method in class apps.email.db.JDBCUserBuilder
Returns user known by the id & the pin.


reconnectToEmailFolder() - Method in class apps.email.db.Account
Attempts to reconnect to the email folder if the folder is closed or locked.
run() - Method in class edu.columbia.cs.util.DeleteFilesThread
Starts the thread.


setAccounts(ArrayList) - Method in class apps.email.db.User
Set the user's accounts
setAddressBook(AddressBook) - Method in class apps.email.db.User
Set the user's addressbook
setAddresses(ArrayList) - Method in class apps.email.db.AddressBook
Sets the AddressBook with a list of addresses.
setEmailAddress(String) - Method in class apps.email.db.Address
Sets the email address.
setFolder(Folder) - Method in class apps.email.db.Account
Sets the folder.
setName(String) - Method in class apps.email.db.Address
Sets the name.
setPin(String) - Method in class apps.email.db.User
Set the user's pin
setSession(Session) - Method in class apps.email.db.Account
Sets the session.
setStore(Store) - Method in class apps.email.db.Account
Sets the store.
SILENT - Static variable in class edu.columbia.cs.util.Log
stopThread() - Method in class edu.columbia.cs.util.DeleteFilesThread
Stops the thread.


TextProcessor - class edu.columbia.cs.util.TextProcessor.
Processes email text and attempts to eliminate email signatures and ascii art.
TextProcessor() - Constructor for class edu.columbia.cs.util.TextProcessor
Creates a new TextProcessor.
toString() - Method in class apps.email.db.AddressBook
Creates a String representation of the AddressBook.
toString() - Method in class apps.email.db.Address
String representation of the Address object.


User - class apps.email.db.User.
Stores information about a particular user.
User(int, String) - Constructor for class apps.email.db.User
Constructs a new User.


WARNING - Static variable in class edu.columbia.cs.util.Log
warningStream - Variable in class edu.columbia.cs.util.Log