Contact People
One of the most important aspects in the game of Netrek is communication. It turns the game into a team game, where effective communication with fellow team players improves the chances on winning. Inside the game you can always ask for help. But also outside the game there are many possibilities to discuss netrek and get answers to your questions. Get in touch!
Ask Questions. Get Answers.
- Talk to people in the game with In-Game Messaging
- Chat live at the
#netrek IRC channel, on
This is an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) channel dedicated to, of course, the topic of Netrek.
Hop on if you've got burning questions and need quick interactive help! -
Or, if you don't have a newsreader and want to view it thru Google Groups, look at This is a Usenet newsgroup (often referred to as RGN) dedicated to the topic of Netrek. You can join in on discussions with fellow players. This is the primary communication medium for the Netrek community. A word of warning: asking common questions like "How do I play Netrek?" or "Where do I download a client?" will generally backfire with rude replies about getting a "clue" and reading the stuff on this website. So, please look for the answer to any beginner questions on this home page before posting. - There are webforums over at
We've got mailing lists, too.
- Netrek-Forever Google Group
for general discussion. - netrek-dev
for game developers, server admins, website work, etc. - The Clue Game list.
Once you know the basics, if you want to take it to the next level and see what Netrek is really about, you want to play clue games. Some of the players in these games have played thousands of hours. If you've never played on a clue game, you should join as an observer first to become familiarized with real teamwork and gameplay.
- Netrek-Forever Google Group
Sometimes there are Netrek gatherings, where players from all over the world converge to one place to play a lot of netrek, drink lots of beer and generally have a good time. ShadowHunter has a page of photos and other stuff from the European gatherings of the 1990s. echo "