Detecting low-degree truncation.
A. De and H. Li and S. Nadimpalli and R. Servedio.
In 56th Annual Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC), 2024, to appear.


We consider the following basic, and very broad, statistical problem: Given a known high-dimensional distribution ${\cal D}$ over $\R^n$ and a collection of data points in $\R^n$, distinguish between the two possibilities that (i) the data was drawn from ${\cal D}$, versus (ii) the data was drawn from ${\cal D}|_S$, i.e. from ${\cal D}$ subject to truncation by an unknown truncation set $S \subseteq \R^n$.

We study this problem in the setting where ${\cal D}$ is a high-dimensional i.i.d.~product distribution and $S$ is an unknown degree-$d$ polynomial threshold function (one of the most well-studied types of Boolean-valued function over $\R^n$). Our main results are an efficient algorithm when ${\cal D}$ is a hypercontractive distribution, and a matching lower bound:

  • For any constant $d$, we give a polynomial-time algorithm which successfully distinguishes ${\cal D}$ from ${\cal D}|_S$ using $O(n^{d/2})$ samples (subject to mild technical conditions on ${\cal D}$ and $S$);
  • Even for the simplest case of ${\cal D}$ being the uniform distribution over $\bits^n$, we show that for any constant $d$, any distinguishing algorithm for degree-$d$ polynomial threshold functions must use $\Omega(n^{d/2})$ samples.
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