System.Xml.Xsl.IXsltContextVariable Interface

Assembly: System.Xml.dll
Namespace: System.Xml.Xsl
Provides an interface to a given variable that is defined in the stylesheet during runtime execution.
C# Syntax:
public interface IXsltContextVariable
See also:
System.Xml.Xsl Namespace

System.Xml.Xsl.IXsltContextVariable Member List:

Public Properties
IsLocal Read-only

Gets a value indicating whether the variable is local.
IsParam Read-only

Gets a value indicating whether the variable is an Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT) parameter. This can be a parameter to a stylesheet or a template.
VariableType Read-only

Gets the XPathResultType representing the XPath type of the variable.
Public Methods
Evaluate Evaluates the variable at runtime and returns an object that represents the value of the variable.

System.Xml.Xsl.IXsltContextVariable Member Details

Property: IsLocal (read-only)
Gets a value indicating whether the variable is local.
C# Syntax:
bool IsLocal {get;}

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Property: IsParam (read-only)
Gets a value indicating whether the variable is an Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT) parameter. This can be a parameter to a stylesheet or a template.
C# Syntax:
bool IsParam {get;}

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Property: VariableType (read-only)
Gets the XPathResultType representing the XPath type of the variable.
C# Syntax:
XPathResultType VariableType {get;}

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Method: Evaluate(
   XsltContext xsltContext
Evaluates the variable at runtime and returns an object that represents the value of the variable.
C# Syntax:
object Evaluate(
   XsltContext xsltContext


An XsltContext representing the execution context of the variable.

Return Value:
An Object representing the value of the variable. Possible return types include number, string, Boolean, document fragment or node set.

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