System.Reflection.Emit.OperandType Enumeration

Assembly: Mscorlib.dll
Namespace: System.Reflection.Emit
Describes the operand type of Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) instruction.
C# Syntax:
public enum OperandType
See also:
System.Reflection.Emit Namespace

System.Reflection.Emit.OperandType Member List:

Public Fields
InlineBrTarget The operand is a 32-bit integer branch target.
InlineI The operand is a 32-bit integer.
InlineI8 The operand is a 64-bit integer.
InlineMethod The operand is a 32-bit metadata token.
InlinePhi The operand is reserved and should not be used.
InlineR The operand is a 64-bit IEEE floating point number.
InlineSig The operand is a 32-bit metadata signature token.
InlineString The operand is a 32-bit metadata string token.
InlineSwitch The operand is the 32-bit integer argument to a switch instruction.
InlineTok The operand is a FieldRef, MethodRef, or TypeRef token.
InlineType The operand is a 32-bit metadata token.
InlineVar The operand is 16-bit integer containing the ordinal of a local variable or an argument.
ShortInlineBrTarget The operand is an 8-bit integer branch target.
ShortInlineVar The operand is an 8-bit integer containing the ordinal of a local variable or an argumenta .


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