System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymAddressKind Enumeration

Assembly: Mscorlib.dll
Namespace: System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore
Specifies address types for local variables, parameters, and fields in the methods ISymbolWriter.DefineLocalVariable, ISymbolWriter.DefineParameter, and ISymbolWriter.DefineField.
C# Syntax:
public enum SymAddressKind
The addr1 and addr2 parameters refer to the address parameters in those methods.
See also:
System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore Namespace

System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymAddressKind Member List:

Public Fields
BitField Specifies a bit field. The addr1 parameter is the position where the field starts. The addr2 parameter is the field length.
ILOffset Specifies a Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) offset. The addr1 parameter is the MSIL local variable or parameter index.
NativeOffset Specifies a native offset. The addr1 parameter is the offset from start of the parent.
NativeRegister Specifies a native register address. The addr1 parameter is the register in which the variable is stored.
NativeRegisterRegister Specifies a register-relative address. The addr1 parameter is the register low, and the addr2 parameter is the register high.
NativeRegisterRelative Specifies a register-relative address.
NativeRegisterStack Specifies a register-relative address. The addr1 parameter is the register low, the addr2 parameter is the register stack, and addr3 is the offset.
NativeRVA Specifies a native Relevant Virtual Address (RVA). The addr1 parameter is the RVA in the module.
NativeStackRegister Specifies a register-relative address. The addr1 parameter is the register stack, the addr2 parameter is the offset, and addr3 is the register high.


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