The Evolution of Dominance Constraint Solvers

Alexander Koller and Stefan Thater

Proceedings of the ACL-05 Workshop on Software, Ann Arbor, 2005.

We describe the evolution of solvers for dominance constraints, a formalism used in underspecified semantics, and present a new graph-based solver using charts. An evaluation on real-world data shows that each solver (including the new one) is significantly faster than its predecessors. We believe that our strategy of successively tailoring a powerful formalism to the actual inputs is more generally applicable.

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BibTex Entry

   author = {Alexander Koller and Stefan Thater}, 
   title  = {The Evolution of Dominance Constraint Solvers}, 
   year   = 2005, 
   booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACL-05 Workshop on Software}, 
   address = {Ann Arbor} 

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