CS 4705 Homework 1: ELIZA-with-an-Attitude

Define a new ELIZA with a particular "personality" (evil, hip, formal and correct, rude, or ...); no obscenity please!
  1. Project Description

  2. Due: 16 Sept 2003

    Write up a brief description of what you will create and submit it to the TA using the submission procedures defined for homeworks. Submission subject line should read: "submit cs4705 hw1.1").
  3. Implementation

  4. Due: 30 Sept 2003

    Your program should operate in two modes: interactive (STDIN) or taking input from an ascii file of user sentences like these. We will run a test file as well to test the coverage of your system and how well it handles unknown words.

    Please submit source code, data files, and a README file describing what your program does, what general classes of behavior it handles, what if any tools you have used (e.g. a NP chunker) and how to run it. Submission subject line should read: "submit cs4705 hw1.2".