UNIX Basics

Logging IN to UNIX workstations in VILLAGE lab or elsewhere:
- Type login name and password, window manager will boot to display your desktop. (If you have never directly logged on to a UNIX machine before, Jennifer or Matthew will have to help you set up.)

Logging OUT of UNIX workstations:
- Quit the programs you've been using (e.g. waves, Netscape, etc.).
- Put cursor somewhere on the desktop (the background), and click RIGHT mouse button.
- Choose "log out", and answer "yes" if prompted with question "you're settings won't be saved, is this OK?".
- DO NOT TURN OFF any UNIX workstation.

Using xterms and the command line (prompt):
Xterms are the terminal windows with prompts that appear on your desktop (they look much like MS-DOS windows).
Some commands you'll use frequently are:

ls = list contents of current directory
mkdir FOO = make a subdirectory in current directory called FOO
cd FOO = change into subdirectory called FOO
cd .. = change into directory one level above
pwd = show which directory you are currently in
cp file1 file2 = make copy of file1 called file2
mv file1 file2 = rename of file1 to file2
mv file1 FOO = move file1 to subdirectory FOO
man commandname = pull up a manual page for any command (that has an entry).
eman commandname = pull up man page for ESPS/waves programs

(Control-q) = unlock your screen if you've mistakely locked it by (Control-s)
(Control-p or arrow up) = show previous command (this only works with some shell setups)
(LEFT mouse) = highlight and copy to buffer
(MIDDLE mouse) = paste buffer at prompt

Moving / fronting / resizing windows:
- Click on topbar or side edge to front window (and make its prompt active).
- Drag topbar with LEFT mouse to move window.
- Drag window corner or edge with LEFT mouse to resize.

Opening Netscape (to read these pages):
Type "netscape &" at the xterm prompt.
(The & after ANY command puts that process in the background so that you can continue to use the xterm for other things. Not typing & will render the xterm unusable until you exit that particular program.)