Mini-homework 3


You should have the "exercisesRU" script already in your directory from the last homework. Use this script (in the same way as last time) to open sound/F0/label files for each of the following utterances. Give a full ToBI (tonal) transcription, including pitch accents (H*, L*, L+H*), intermediate phrase accents (L- or H-), and intonation phrase boundary tones (L% or H%). You can mark the pitch accents on the accented syllables, and mark the phrase accent at the intermediate phrase edge, or the phrase accent/boundary tone combo at the intonation phrase edge. Remember, many utterances will have more than one prosodic phrase (which is one of the main points of this homework).

<lazy> (label all the tones this time)
<flour2> (transcribe only the part after you know)
<atlanta> (transcribe only the tunes on information, Philadelphia, and Atlanta)

For waves help, see tutorial webpages "controlling volume", "mouse buttons", etc.