Here is a list of potential projects. As people pick up projects, I shall be creating individual project home pages linked to this page. Needless to say, more than one group can work on the same project; it will be interesting to compare results! Also, you are welcome to suggest your own projects; if you think you have a good project but would like project partners, post on the class bboard.

Wireless Anonymous Routing

Consider an enviroment where users have wireless communications devices and are worried not only about the privacy of their communication, but also about disclosing patterns of communication (i.e.,they want to protect themselves against traffic analysis). This is particularly worrisome in a wireless environment because the adversary, along with the obvious software ways of detecting traffic, can also use radio direction-finding (DF) equipment and triangulate on individual senders. For example, in a battlefield situation, the station that is sending most of the traffic is likely to be the local commander; DF equipment can tell how much traffic is coming from what geographic location, and the largest source of traffic can be targetted. The Protocol Enabling an Anonymous Communications Environment (PEACE for WAR!) allows a set of wireless nodes to exchange traffic whose origin cannot be traced even by traffic analysis, using a combination of onion routing and cover traffic generation.

There is already a 3-person group working on this.

Autonomous System Routing Authority Protocol (ASRAP)

(From the abstract of a recently-submitted (but not yet accepted) paper:

BGP is essential to the operation of the Internet, but is vulnerable to both accidental failures and malicious attacks. We propose a new protocol that works in concert with BGP, which Autonomous Systems will use to help detect and mitigate accidentally or maliciously introduced faulty routing information. The protocol differs from previous efforts at securing BGP in that it is receiver-driven, meaning that there is a mechanism for recipients of BGP UPDATE messages to corroborate the information they receive and to provide feedback. We argue that our new protocol can be adopted incrementally, and we show that there is incentive for network operators to do so.

There is interesting work to be done here; actual implementation on real routing code (e.g.,Zebra), validation of the claims in the paper through simulation, working out reasonable configuration templates, and so on.

This is a 2-3 person project, and could also lead to future research.

IOS ↔ DML converter

In most large networks, the real network configuration is to be found in the actual router configuration files. We would like to be able to simulate such a network, e.g., in order to test what would happen if BGP parameters or OSPF weights were changed, if new links were added or moved around, where to home particular customers with high capacity demands. Obviously, we cannot afford to do the tests on the real network, hence the need for simulation. Writing the DML files from scratch can be an extremely tedious and error-prone process. We would like to be able to take the configuration files from all the routers, along with specifications of what each router is, and generate the corresponding DML files. Conversely, if we already have a set of DML files (possibly themselves generated from router configurations), we want to automatically convert them back to the router configurations so translation errors can be avoided.

This is a 2-3 person project.

Interface SSFNet with Nam

Nam is the Network Animator; it a Tcl/Tk tool that can be used to animate both simulations and real-world trace data. It was written primarily to work with the NS Network Simulator, but there is no reason that it cannot be used as an animator for SSFNet. A quick Google search reveals a fair amount of interest in this.

This is a 2-4 person project.

Generalized Packet Classifier

A packet classifier is a piece of code that takes an incoming or outgoing packet and decides how to process it. The forwarding code is an example: it takes an incoming packet, decides if it is for its own machine; if not, it passes it to the output code, which is where packets from its own machine go. It will then consult the forwarding table, and decide what the output interface and next hop router should be, and send the packet out. Filtering/firewalling code has packet classifiers of its own, to determine whether packets will be accepted, rejected, NAT-ed, forwarded to particular proxies, and so on. IPsec, multicast, tunneling, and so on, all require their own packet classifiers. I would like to see a single packet classifier in Unix that can determine all the transforms that need to be applied to a packet, and then apply them.

This is a programming project for 3-4 people who can do heavy-duty Unix kernel programming.


Probably better described as the Internet Holodeck! It's a box that, when used as your default router, behaves as if an entire network is behind it. It should respond to traceroutes, pings, connections to arbitrary (but nonexistent) machines, and simulate link malfunctions (packet loss/delay/reordering/corruption/duplication). Its simulated routers should be running various routing protocols, so that faults can be injected and their effects observed from the edge. Real machines could also be connected to additional interfaces and "attached" to various places in the simulated network, so that software running on them can be studied in the presence of erratic links. You can also turn this around, and use it as a honeypot. Niels Provos' Honeyd is a subset of what this would be.

This is a fairly open-ended project for a 2-3 people, involving both kernel- and user-level programming, SSFNet programming, and it can grow beyond the scope of a class project.

"Come-from" tables

Forwarding tables can be viewed as "go-to" tables; given a packet's destination, figure out where to send it. Forwarding tables are, of course, populated by first building routing tables obtained through routing protocols. A "com-from" table would be the opposite: when a packet arrives at an interface, can we decided (based on routing-like information that we have built) whether that packet could have indeed arrived from that interface? The obvious application is a generalized form of ingress filtering (documented in, among other places, RFC2827, ingress filtering is what you do at customer routers to make sure that customers don't send out packets with source addresses outside their assigned address space). Obviously, this is much harder to do in transit routers; it is not even clear it can be done in all cases. There is not much related work on this subject.

This is a 1-2 person research project that should produce interesting publishable results.

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