Programming Languages (Matlab)

CS W3101-1

Instructor: Blake Shaw


Homework Submission How-To

Step 1)  Download the homework m-file from the website... control click (mac), or right click (windows), and download the m-file to a folder on your computer. 

Step 2) In matlab, go to that folder, either using the built in file browser, or by typing “cd /path/to/that/folder”

Step 3) open the hw1.m file in the matlab editor (File > Open)

Step 4)  fill in your answers below their corresponding questions.  DO NOT CHANGE THE COMMENTS OR QUESTIONS in any way. 

Step 5)  when you are done, publish your m-file to html... (File > Publish to HTML), if there are no errors in your code, this should create a folder called html in your current directory.  This html directory should contain an html file, and a couple of image files that are referenced by the html file. 

Step 6) Open up the .html file and check to make sure your homework looks correct (has all your answers, and the images are correctly placed inline).

Step 7) ZIP UP EVERYTHING into a .zip file: your original hw1.m file, your hw1.html file, and any images that were created when you published to html. Please name this zip with your uni and homework number in this format:

Step 8) send this zip file to, making sure to include in the subject line, your name and your UNI as well