SCU 13 (W=4): Plaid Cymru is the Welsh nationalist party

C1: Plaid Cymru, the Welsh nationalist party, stepped up its campaign for equal rights to Welsh self-determination, demanding equal constitutional treatment with Northern Ireland, and Scotland.

C2: The most outspoken group for separation is the Welsh nationalist party, Plaid Cymru, led by Dafydd Wigley.

C3: Those who speak the language support Plaid Cymru, the Welsh nationalist party whose policy is to bypass an assembly and go for an independent Wales within the European community.

C4: From before 1992 through 1994 the UK's Tory Prime Minister adamantly resisted calls by MPs of the miniscule Wales Nationalist Party (Plaid Cymru) for devolution of British rule to a fully self-governing Wales within the European Community.