Download the new pyramid annotation tool (version 1.1).

Save the file above as DUCView.jar
To run in, type "java -jar DUCView.jar" (requires Java v1.4 or higher)

Feel free to try out the tool and report any problems or suggestions to A final version of the tool will be provided here on July 20th, when the peer annotation for DUC 2005 will begin.

To annotate a model pyramid from a file containing plain text human summaries, choose "Pyramid" from the File menu and load the plain text file. The content units you annotated will be on the right, with their label and contributors. To do the annotation, highlight with your mouse the text that you want to add to an SCU in the left pane, then press "New SCU". To add a second contributor to a content unit, select it in the right pane, then highlight the text of the contributor in the left pane, and press the "Add contributor" button.

To annotate a peer against a pyramid, first load the pyramid (through the "Pyramid" option in the File menu), then select "Peer Annotation" from the File menu and load the plain text peer.

More examples and full docomentation will be posted on this website in the next week!