BuildGraph Language

The language interpreted by the BuildGraph class is (hopefully!) simple and straight forward. It is made up of about 20 reserved words, some words having multiple meanings depending on context. The best way to understand how to construct a graph definition file is to look at examples.

Context is changed using a keyword and a { } pair. In C this would be considerd the scope. Only a subset of keywords can change the context. These keywords usually define an object that must be constructed from a set of definitions examples of such objects are fonts, axis, datasets, titles, labels etc.

The BuildGraph language is not complete. Some plot features available in the class definitions are not available in the plot language.

The Interpreter

The language interpreter only recognises predefines keywords, numbers (scientific notation is recognised), the context (scope) defining braces { }, and strings delimetered by ".

Everything following the # characeter is interpreted as a comment. All blank lines are ignored.

Anything else will be reported as an error.

Context keywords

To change context a keyword is followed (and encloses context commands) by a pair of braces. An example of a new context is the font context.
 font {
                   style bold
                   name "Helvetica"
                   size 25
The font command above might itself be enclosed in the title context or label context.
This is currently one of three main contexts (like the main procedure in C). This defines the type of graph to build. A non-interactive plot using the Graph2D class.
The second type of plot to build. An interactive plot using the G2Dint class.
The third type of plot to build. An interactive contour plot using the Contour class.
Define an axis using keywords such as LABEL, AXIS, BOTTOM, TOP, LEFT, RIGHT, COLOR and ATTACH.
Define a data set, using keywords such as, URL, MARKER, COLOR.
Define the data grid for a contour plot.
In the context of a dataset this keyword will define the STYLE, COLOR and SIZE of the marker to use for the data set. In the context of GRAPH2D or G2DINT it should only contain the URL of the marker file.
In the context of GRAPH2D, G2DINT or CONTOUR define the title of the plot. In the context of AXIS define the axis title. TITLE uses the keywords NAME, FONT and COLOR. A title example
title {
                 name "This could be a plot title or an axis title"
                 color 0 255 255
                 font { 
                        style plain
                        name "TimesRoman"
                        size 15
Only to be used in the Axis context, define the axis labels, using the keywords FONT and COLOR
Define a font using the keywords SIZE, STYLE and NAME.
Define the grid to be displayed, using the keywords ON, OFF, and COLOR.
Define the zero line to be displayed, using the keywords ON, OFF, and COLOR.


The function string to be parsed to the DATA ParseFunction class
DATA - The function that will be used to construct the data.
CDATA - The function that will be used to construct the data.
XRANGE number number number
The number of points and the range of points to be used with the declared function to construct the data set.

xrange 100 -1.0 1.0.

number of points is 100, the range of the data is [-1.0,1.0]

DATA - The range of the data to be plotted.
CDATA - The x range of the data to be contoured.
YRANGE number number number
The number of points and the range of points to be used with the declared function to construct the data set.

yrange 100 -1.0 1.0.

number of points is 100, the range of the data is [-1.0,1.0]

CDATA - The y range of the data to be contoured.
The aspect ratio of the graph will be 1.
NUMBER integer
Number of contour levels to be plotted
Contour levels will use a log scale.
LLEVELS integer
The stride for the contour levels that have labels. If set to zero no labels will be displayed.
URL string
Should be followed by a string which is the url of the file to be loaded.
MARKER - the url of the marker file to load
DATA - the url of the data file to load.
SIZE integer
Should be followed by an integer.
MARKER - the size of the marker to draw.
FONT - the size of the font.
COLOR integer integer integer
Should be followed by 3 integers in the range 0 to 255. The values of red, green and blue.
FONT - Color of the text
DATA - Color of the plotted data
CDATA - Color of the contours
BACKGROUND integer integer integer
Should be followed by 3 integers in the range 0 to 255. The values of red, green and blue.
GRAPH - the background color of the applet
G2DINT - the background color of the applet
CONTOUR - the background color of the applet
DATA - the background color of the data window
CDATA - the background color of the data window
NAME string
Should be followed by a string.
FONT - the logical name of the font
DATA - the logical name of the dataset. This is the name used in the ATTACH command to attach datasets to axis.
TITLE - the string to display in the title of the axis or the plot.
STYLE integer or keyword
Should be followed by an integer or keyword.
MARKER - the integer following the STYLE keyword is the marker to use while drawing the dataset.
FONT - should be followed by one of the following keywords PLAIN, BOLD or ITALICS. In the FONT context STYLE can be repeated and as in the Font class the styles become aditive. An example of a bold-italic font is
font {
	                  name "TimeRoman"
	                  size  20
	                  style bold
	                  style italic
BOTTOM integer or alone
Either an axis orientation command or the width of a boundary of the plot.
AXIS - The orientation of the plot
GRAPH2D - followed by an integer the width of the bottom boundary of the plot
TOP integer or alone
Either an axis orientation command or the width of a boundary of the plot.
AXIS - The orientation of the plot
GRAPH2D - followed by an integer the width of the top boundary of the plot
LEFT integer or alone
Either an axis orientation command or the width of a boundary of the plot.
AXIS - The orientation of the plot
GRAPH2D - followed by an integer the width of the left boundary of the plot
RIGHT integer or alone
Either an axis orientation command or the width of a boundary of the plot.
AXIS - The orientation of the plot
GRAPH2D - followed by an integer the width of the right boundary of the plot
DATA - draw straight line segments between data points.
GRID - draw the grid
ZERO - draw the zero line
DATA - don't draw straight line segments between data points.
GRID - don't draw the grid
ZERO - don't draw the zero line
ATTACH string
Attach a named dataset to an axis.
AXIS - attach the named data set (defined in the DATA context using the NAME keyword) to the current axis.
Only to be used as a STYLE value in the FONT context.
Only to be used as a STYLE value in the FONT context.
Only to be used as a STYLE value in the FONT context.