CS E6733: 3D Photography Prof. Peter Allen

Projects and Project Report Guidelines

Each project team will maintain a web page describing their project, and updating it as the project progresses. Eventually, it will serve as the final project report for the team. Things to include in your web page are:

Project Presentations

The project presentations will be on Thursday, April 29 in class. Each team will have approximately 30 minutes to present their project work to the class. All team members should participate in this presentation. Any project team that wants to demo their project to me in the lab as well needs to make an appointment with me to do this.

Final Project Report

Each project team needs to submit a final project report. This will be part of the web site as well. One way to view this report is that someone else could take the report and use it to recreate your project. Hence, it must be complete. It should include the following information: