Splash Database
Kshitiz Garg,  Guru Krishnan,  Shree Nayar


We have measured the splashing behaviors of 22 different materials that are commonly found in the real world. These materials can be broadly classified as rough (e.g., wood and brick), smooth (e.g., marble and glass), flexible (e.g., silk and paper) and miscellaneous (e.g., water and moss). We have developed a stochastic model for splash distribution that builds upon empirical models previously developed in fluid dynamics and meteorology. Our model is simple and only requires 7 coefficients for generating splashes for head-on impact for a material. A more general model for generating splash for arbitrary impact angles (due to surface inclination or wind) requires 54 coefficients. The models of different materials may be combined to generate physically plausible splashes for novel materials that have not been measured. Our model is applicable for rendering splashes due to rain as well as water drops falling from large heights such as windowsills, trees, and rooftops. For more details, please refer to the following paper:

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Format of database

The coefficients of the splash models of four materials. The splash coefficients are specified as a row vector in the following order: (1, α, φ, αφ, α^2, φ^2, α^2φ, φ^2α, α^3, φ^3) where α is inclination angle and φ is azimuthal angle. The database can be downloaded as a zip file (data_files.zip). The coeff_file_format specifies the format of the coefficient files.

Crown Database

For low angles of inclination (head-on impact), some materials can produce corona splashes with crowns that appear for a short duration. The crown can produce noticeable effects when the splashes are viewed up close. The height and the radius of the crown vary between materials. We measure these parameters by taking a side-view image of the crown for each material, such as the one in (a). These measurements are used to scale the height and radius of the generic 3D crown model shown in (b) during rendering.

Project Page

The project page is located here.

Last modified: 09/10/2007